Butoh dance and experimental music workshops
Dawns Butoh a gweithdai cerddoriaeth arbrofol i Blant ac OedolionNorth
Wales-based dance company Anoikis will be presenting workshops at the Ucheldre Centre and in Conwy County
7th-8th of September at the Ucheldre Center
7fed-8fed Canolfan Ucheldre
Anglesey - Mill Bank, Holyhead LL65 1TE
7th of September/7fed o Fedi
-2 hour workshops for kids - Gweithdai 2 awr i blant
from 10.00-12.00 aged/oed 6-10
from 13.00-15.00 aged/oed 11-15
£5 per session/£ 5 y sesiwn
8th of September/8fed o Fedi
-1 day workshop for adults from age 16 and up
Gweithdy 1 diwrnod i oedolion 16 oed a hŷn
from 14.00-19.00 with 30 minute break o 14-19.00 gyda chinio 30 munud
£10 students/£15 for the full day/am y diwrnod llawn
Please book your place for this workshop by September 5th by contacting Melissa on 07768686742 or send an email to
Archebwch eich lle ar gyfer y gweithdy hwn erbyn Medi 5ed trwy gysylltu â Melissa.
14th and 15th in Conwy County
IKAROS Art Space
Nannerth, Pandy Tudur LL22 8UN
These workshops will be delivered bi-lingually
14th of September/14 fed o Fedi
2 hour workshops for kids/Gweithdai 2 awr i blant
from 10.00-12.00 aged/oed 6-10
from 13.00-15.00 aged/oed 11-15
£5 per session/£ 5 y sesiwn
15th of September/15 fed o Fedi
1 day workshop for adults from age 16 and up
Gweithdy 1 diwrnod i oedolion 16 oed a hŷn
11-16.00 with 30 minute lunch
gyda chinio 30 munud
£10 students/£15 for the full day/am y diwrnod llawn
Please book your place for this workshop by September 10th by contacting Melissa on 07768686742 or send an email to
Archebwch eich lle ar gyfer y gweithdy hwn erbyn Medi 10ed trwy gysylltu â Melissa.
Butoh, 舞踏, conceived in Japan during the late 50’s and early 60’s during the social turmoil after the war, sought to find an expression through dance. Rather than aspiring to an aesthetic ideal, the dance attempts to expose the joys and sorrows of life, exploring the most fundamental elements of physical and psychological existence. It goes beyond the confines of specific cultures and aims for universal expression that touches the soul of humanity. It also crosses the boundaries between dance and theatre, creating a unique form of expression that engages, moves and intrigues. Butoh (ref. Wikipedia)
No previous dance or music experience is required to participate in these workshops.
From children to adults, participants will have the opportunity to explore their bodies through guided detailed Butoh imagery that encourages freedom in movement and expression. The later part of the workshop will include exploring the no-input mixer which uses feedback as a source for creating sound. The participants of the workshop will have the opportunity to explore both aspects of the butoh and music practice.
Butoh, 舞 踏, yn ddawns a fu yn tyfu mewn poblogrwydd yn Japan yn ystod diwedd y 50au a dechrau’r 60au ar ôl y rhyfel. Defnyddiwyd y ddawns i ddod o hyd i fynegiant trwy ddawns. Yn hytrach nag anelu at ddelfryd esthetig, mae'r ddawns yn ceisio datgelu llawenydd a gofidiau bywyd, gan archwilio elfennau mwyaf sylfaenol bodolaeth gorfforol a seicolegol. Mae'n mynd y tu hwnt i gyfyngiadau diwylliannau penodol ac yn anelu at fynegiant cyffredinol sy'n cyffwrdd ag enaid dynoliaeth. Mae hefyd yn croesi'r ffiniau rhwng dawns a theatr, gan greu ffurf unigryw o fynegiant sy'n ennyn diddordeb, yn symud ac yn chwilfrydedd. Butoh (cyf. Wikipedia)
Nid oes angen unrhyw brofiad blaenorol o ddawns na cherddoriaeth i gymryd rhan yn y gweithdai hyn.
O blant i oedolion, bydd cyfranogwyr yn cael cyfle i archwilio eu cyrff trwy ddelweddau Butoh manwl dan arweiniad sy'n annog rhyddid i symud a mynegiant. Bydd rhan ddiweddarach y gweithdy yn cynnwys archwilio'r cymysgydd dim mewnbwn sy'n defnyddio adborth fel ffynhonnell ar gyfer creu sain. Bydd cyfranogwyr y gweithdy yn cael cyfle i archwilio dwy agwedd ar yr ymarfer butoh a cherddoriaeth.
These workshops are delivered as part of the project "From the Dust of This Wretched Earth" funded by the Arts Council of Wales and the Japan Foundation.