Live audio recording from

From the Dust of This Wretched Earth
By Melissa Pasut & Andrew Leslie Hooker
Emmanuel Fleitz - Double Bass
Toshimaru Nakamura - No-Input mixing board
Sayoko Onishi - Butoh Dancer
Welsh Television S4C full version
North Wales-based dance company Anoikis, co-directed by Melissa Pasut and Andrew Leslie Hooker, were joined by internationally renowned artists Toshimaru Nakamura (Japan), Sayoko Onishi (Japan/Italy) and Emmanuel Fleitz (France) in a brand new production combining the Japanese avant-garde dance form butoh with the post-experimental practice of no-input mixing and the improvised sounds of the double bass.
From The Dust of This Wretched Earth investigates the almost science fictional idea of a parallel world created from the detritus of the seemingly lost world we now inhabit. Two butoh dancers and a trio of musicians struggling to find their mutual shape, their mutual voice, in an impressionistic smear of metamorphosis, swinging wildly, endlessly, between utter beauty and utter meaninglessness.
This project has been made possible by funding from the Arts Council of Wales and the Japan Foundation.

Photo by Peter Van Heesen/Schloss Broellin
26th of September - Phipps Hall Huddersfield
Creative Arts Building, University of Huddersfield, HD1 3DH
8 pm
Free Admission
27th of September - The Ucheldre Centre
Mill Bank, Holyhead LL65 1TE
7.30 pm
Tickets £8/£7 Child £4
28th of September - The Gwenfrewi Project
Former St Winifred's Church, Gwytherin LL22 8UU
7.30 pm
Tickets £8/£7 Child £4
Box Office Ucheldre Centre - 01407 763361
Ticket Information The Gwenfrewi Project – 07768686742

Early Research and Development 2018/2019 Project
In August and September 2018, Anoikis was given the opportunity to work in two incredible locations in Mid and North Wales with the support of both Avi Allen at the Capel y Graig and Alison Goulbourne at the Gwenfrewi Project. The autumn of 2017, however, was our first invitation to explore the Capel y Graig space which led us towards the development of this current project.
During these residencies and showings of the work-in-progress we were able to continue researching a series of exploratory butoh/electroacoustic improvisations in response to the spaces and other specific themes being used as notes towards a series of workshops and performances for 2019.
This current work-in-progress explores the idea of a final performance in a possibly empty world. Through butoh and improvised music methodologies, we are seeking to embody a space in between an inevitable end-of-times and an intoxicating unknown future in order to create a performance work based upon a fusion of each participant's psychological reactions to our present reality, both human and environmental.
work-in-progress/Gwaith ar y gweill
Anoikis: Melissa Pasut and/ac Andrew Leslie Hooker
with guest performance by Rachel Sweeney/gyda pherfformiad gwadd gan Rachel Sweeney
Residency/Preswyliad II 12/09/18 – 15/09/18
Performance/Perfformiad 15/09/18 7:30pm/yr
Suggested donation/Awgrymir cyfraniad o £5
The Gwenfrewi Project
(Former st Winifred’s church)
LL22 8UU
work-in-progress/Gwaith ar y gweill
Anoikis: Melissa Pasut and/ac Andrew Leslie Hooker
Residency/Preswyliad II 25/08/18 – 27/09/18
Performance/Perfformiad 29/08/18 7:30pm/yr
Suggested donation/Awgrymir cyfraniad o £5
Lle Celf Capel y Graig Artspace
SY20 8PQ

Painting by Emma Sunerton-Burl from original photograph by Andrew Leslie Hooker
Photographs by Avi Allen from our residency and showing in August 2018

Photographs by Alison Goulbourne from our residency and showing in September 2018

Photographs by Andrew Leslie Hooker from our residency and showing in September 2018